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Cardiff Council

Maindy Park Trust

The Council is the trustee of Maindy Park, a charity registered with the Charity Commission under charity number 524137. 

The Charity is considering a proposal to release part of the land at Maindy Park from the Charity to accommodate a proposed expansion of Cathays High School.

The Council is proposing to provide alternative land in its ownership at Caedelyn that is not currently held in a trust or subject to similar covenants in exchange for the charity land. 

Updated proposal

Further to the previous notice placed in the Western Mail on the 20th May 2022, the County Council of the City and County of Cardiff, as trustee of Maindy Park, gives notice that an updated plan showing the proposed exchange of land has been prepared and is available to view.

The purpose of the revised plan is to take into account adjustments to the boundary of the land required at Maindy Park to accommodate proposed access into the Charity’s retained car park. A plan of the land at Caedelyn has also been updated to reflect changes to the boundaries and show rights of access to the replacement land.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek any additional representations or comments on the proposed land exchange, as shown in the amended plans.

View the updated plans:

​​​The information in these documents has been designed for print. This format may not be fully accessible online.​


The decision on whether or not to approve the proposed land exchange will be made on the basis of whether it is in the best interests of the Charity, having regard to its charitable objectives, which are: for recreation, open space, and playground.  This means that the trustee must be satisfied that the alternative land is suitable replacement land to serve the Charity’s objects.

The outcome of this consultation will be considered together with any additional  relevant information and advice required to make a decision.

In the event a decision is made to approve the land exchange, an order will need to be obtained from the Charity Commission before implementing the decision, because of the Council’s conflict of interests in this matter.​

Have your say

This consultation is now closed. ​


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