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Cardiff Council

Translating websites into your preferred language

Cardiff Gov website is available in English and Welsh but you may want to access content on this website or other websites in your own language.
You can do this by visiting Visit Google translate and choosing your preferred language from the menu.

We recommend setting the original language to 'Detect language'.

Google translation language option screen

Enter the website address you wish to translate and select the translate button or ‘Go’ on a mobile device.

Google translate url screen

Google will then display the website in a new tab using the language you have selected.

A website translated using Google

Switching between original and translated websites

When you open a translated website, you can switch between the original and translated versions by selecting ‘Original’ from the translation dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Switching to original in Google translate

Help with translating websites and documents

For further advice on translating websites and documents on desktop and mobile devices, please visit Google translate help.

© 2022 Cardiff Council