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Cardiff Council

Licensing act reviews

​​The Licensing Act 2003 and associated legislation introduced a series of measures to enable problematic premises to be dealt with. One of the most powerful of these measures was the implementation of a system of licence reviews. 

Responsible authorities or people who live in the vicinity of a licensed premise can apply to the local authority for a review of the licence. 

A premises licence review can be sought where there is evidence that problems at the premises are associated with any of the licensing objectives, which are:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm


 How to apply for a licence review

Before applying we recommend reading Section 11 of the Guidance issued by the Home Office.


Review of premises licence application form (200kb PDF)​​​​​​.


Please complete the form and return it to us by post or in person:


Cardiff Council,
County Hall,
Atlantic Wharf,
CF10 4UW​


There is currently no fee for requesting a review

The Licensing Section will advertise the review application and notify all of the responsible authorities.


A consultation period of 28 days will start on the day the application is received.


The Licensing Sub-Committee will hold a hearing, consider the application and after hearing the views of all relevant parties will determine the matter.


If the Sub-Committee considers that there is evidence that the premises is failing to promote any of the licensing objectives the Sub-Committee have a range of powers to address the issue including amending/removing the licensable activities, adding conditions to the licence, and suspension or revocation of the licence.

If you would like any help or advice please contact us.

Contact us

Shared Regulatory Services

Tel: 0300 123 6696. Please follow the options for Cardiff Licensing.

Cardiff Council Licensing

Tel: 029 2087 1651

Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm.​

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