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Cardiff Council

Designing and introducing a controlled parking zone

​​​​​​​When we design and consult on a controlled parking zone (CPZ), we follow a standard set of principles.

It takes 1 to 2 years for us to consult on and implement a CPZ. 

Find out about parking in a CPZ​

​Principles of designing a CPZ 

We will create a detailed design once a scheme has been approved. However, to make sure we have a consistent approach, we normally: 

  • mark all kerbside space where it is safe to park as a parking bay, or a yellow line where it is dangerous or obstructive, 
  • try to put permit holder only parking outside residential properties, and limited waiting and pay and stay bays near shops, businesses and amenities,
  • split the road space more evenly between permit holder only and limited waiting and pay and stay bays if there is a need for more short stay parking. Such as near busy shopping areas, 
  • try and keep yellow lines and signs to a minimum in quieter roads like cul-de-sacs by introducing permit parking areas,
  • try to maximise parking and copy the existing parking patterns,
  • compensate for any loss of parking on narrow roads by increasing parking availability throughout the CPZ, 
  • do not make any changes to existing disabled parking bays, and
  • ​do not control parking in front of driveways so residents can park in front of their own driveway. If you experience issues with people parking in front of your driveway, you can apply for a H-Bar marking.

Introducing a CPZ​​​

 There are 5 steps we must take when designing and introducing a new CPZ:

We have to assess the area with parking surveys and study the type of parking restrictions we may need.
We can then work out the boundaries and working days and hours of the proposal. 

We write to residents and business to ask for feedback. We provide a link to a survey where you can tell us if you support the proposal and provide comments. 

When we review the responses, we take into account: 

  • the response rate, 
  • the level support, and
  • all comments and suggestions. 

Although we consider all feedback, we cannot respond to anyone individually. 

If we receive enough support from the informal consultation, we will make a detailed design of the CPZ. The design will include parking restrictions and time limits.
We try to make zones that are not too large and with clear boundaries to avoid confusion. 

This design is used in the formal consultation. 

If we decide to introduce the CPZ, we create a traffic regulation order.
We make the detailed design available to view by the public. We promote this in the local press, on our website, and notices on the street. 

You can make a formal objection within 21 days.
If the consultation is successful, we will install the signs and lines to make the CPZ enforceable. 

After 12 to 18 months, we review the new CPZ to assess if they are effective and if we need to make any changes.

We try to review all existing CPZs every 5 years. ​​


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