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Cardiff Council

Manage your blue badge details

​​You must tell us if your details or circumstances change. It is important that our records are kept up to date, so your badge stays valid.  

What to do if you have moved 

If you are moving to Cardiff from another authority, you will need to contact your previous authority to tell them you have moved. They will transfer your badge details to us. 

If you are moving out of Cardiff, please contact us so that we can update our records and transfer you to your new authority.

You can continue to use your badge. You do not need to apply for a new badge until your current one expires.  

What to do if the badge is no longer needed​

​If you no longer need a valid blue badge, please return it to us. 

You will need to return the badge if:

  • the badge holder is deceased,
  • medical reasons no longer apply,
  • your Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment has been removed, or
  • the badge holder moved into a care home or residential home and no longer needs a badge.​

You do not need to return an expired badge, this can be destroyed. However, please make sure you do not display an expired badge in any vehicle.​​

Replacing a lost or damaged blue badge 

If you lose or damage your badge, there is a £10 replacement fee. 

If your blue badge was reported stolen, we might be able to replace the badge free of charge. You will need to provide a valid crime reference number. 

If your badge is due to expire in less than 3 months, you need to submit a renewal application instead. 

To replace the blue badge, you will need to provide:

  • your personal details, 
  • your national insurance number (if you have one), and 
  • the current badge number (if you know it).
    Please complete the replacement application form ​and send it to us with the payment. Please make sure the applicant's name and date of birth are on the back of the cheque or postal order. 

    The cheque or postal order must be made payable to Cardiff Council. 

    Please do not send post-dated cheques or cash by post as they can get lost. 

© 2022 Cardiff Council