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Cardiff Council

Change of tenancy

​​​Responsibility for paying Council Tax depends on what sort of letting arrangement you have set up.

If you rent out the whole property to one person or family, it is their responsibility to pay the Council Tax and a bill will be sent to them.

If you rent out the whole property to more than one person, but they are joint tenants, in most circumstances it is their responsibility to pay the Council Tax and we will send a bill to them.

If you rent out a property to several people and they each have an individual tenancy agreement with you, the property is classed as House in Multiple Occupation for Council Tax purposes. You, as the landlord, will be responsible for paying the Council Tax and you will get the bill.

To make sure you are paying the correct amount of Council Tax we need to know when your circumstances change. Please make sure you tell us if you are a landlord and you have a change of tenant.

Tell us about a change of tenancy

Please tell us about a change of tenancy if you are a property owner or an agent.

Owner - Change of tenancy form

Agent - Change of tenancy form​​ ​



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