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Cardiff Council

Patreane Way and Michaelston Road junction improvements

Cardiff Council is developing proposals for improvements at the Patreane Way and Michaelston Road junction. 

As part of these changes, the current Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) will be updated. 

The proposals have been developed as a result of the former Michaelston College development, and issues raised over:

  • traffic congestion and delays from Patreane Way into Michaelston Road, 
  • commuter parking on Patreane Way, and 
  • concerns regarding vehicular movements at the junction.

These proposals are aimed at reducing traffic congestion and delays by introducing separate left turn and right turn traffic lanes from Patreane Way onto Michaelston Road.

Have your say

We would like to hear your views on the proposal. We will use any feedback received to inform the designs being progressed. 

You can: 

This consultation will close on 4 December 2023.  


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