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Cardiff Council

Crystal Glen Carer and Companion Permits

​​We would like to hear what you think about our proposals to introduce new permits for the experimental traffic access scheme on Crystal Glen​

What we are proposing 

We are proposing to introduce two new permits for carers. The permits will be free of charge.

All permits will last for up to one year and will be available through MiPermit. 

Carer permit 

If you provide regular care to someone who lives in the traffic access scheme area, you can apply for a carer permit. 

This includes professionals and anyone who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help and cannot manage without their day-to-day support. The person could need help because of: 

  • illness, 
  • frailty, 
  • disability, 
  • a mental health problem, or
  • an addiction. 

The permit will be issued directly to the carer, not the resident. 

Companion permit 

If you live in the traffic access scheme area, you can apply for a companion permit. The companion permit can be used by family and friends who are not carers but visit regularly or help with day-to-day activities. 

You can apply for one companion permit per property. This will be in addition to the visitor permits that are already available. 

The vehicle registration on the permit can be changed at any time.

When will these permits be introduced? 

If there is enough support, we will need to make changes to the existing experimental traffic regulation order (ETRO) before we can make them available. This includes developing the new companion permit system. This may take a few months.  


We received 107 responses.

Overall, 75% of respondents supported the proposals, with 55% strongly supporting them. 

20% of respondents did not support the proposals.

5% neither agreed nor disagreed with the proposals.

As a result, the decision has been made to go ahead with the changes.

We will now update the permit system. When we have done this, we will write to residents with information on how to apply for the new permits.​​​

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