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Cardiff Council

The Electoral Register and Annual Canvass

​The electoral register (sometimes called the electoral roll) lists the names and addresses of everyone who’s registered to vote. The register is updated monthly. 

The full electoral register 

The full electoral register has the names and addresses of everyone registered to vote. It cannot be sold to anyone. Your details would only be used for electoral purposes or given out to:

  • prevent and detect crime
  • call you for jury service
  • check applications for loans or credit

The full electoral register is not given to other departments of the Council. If you have moved, you will need to contact other council departments to let them know.

The open register

The open register is a version of the electoral register that can be bought by any person, company or organisation.

You can opt-out of the open register when you register to vote. 

If you have already registered and wish to remove your details from the open register, please contact us. 

The Annual Canvass

From July each year we will contact households to check if the details on the electoral register are correct. This is called the annual canvass.

You will be contacted by post or email. 

You must respond to confirm or update the residents in your home. If you do not respond, a canvasser will visit your property to ensure the details on the electoral register are up to date. 

Providing information as a Single Responsible Person

Properties that are made up of multiple occupants that do not form a single household are required to have a single responsible person to complete the canvass. These properties include: 

  • University halls 
  • Residential care homes 
  • Hostels
  • Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)

A single responsible person is any person who lawfully holds or has access to information about each person living at a property and is eligible to be registered.  

If you are a single responsible person, you must provide information about the residents at the properties you are responsible for to the Electoral Registration Officer. This is allowed within General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations and is compulsory by law as legislated in Regulation 23 of the Representation of the People Regulations 2001.

The Electoral Registration Officer will normally contact you during annual canvass (July to November) to ask for up to date information on residents.

After receiving the information from you, eligible electors living at these properties will be contacted by the Electoral Registration Officer and informed how to register to vote. 

What happens if you do not respond

It is a legal requirement to supply information to the Electoral Registration Officer. You could receive a criminal penalty of a fine up to a maximum of £1000 for failing to provide the information required. 

Changing tenants

You may update the Electoral Registration Officer outside of the annual canvass period if tenants have moved out or into the property you are responsible for. You may also be contacted outside of annual canvass for updated information. For example, before an election.

​Contact us 

If you have any questions, please contact us. 

Tel: 029 2087 2087


Electoral Services
Room 263, County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
CF10 4UW​

© 2022 Cardiff Council