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Cardiff Council


Adapting your home

Equipment or adaptations to make it easier for you to live at home including occupational therapy and the Assisted Waste Scheme.

Sensory service

Information and advice for people with a sensory loss affecting their sight, hearing or both.

Getting out and about

Information and support to find activities, groups and facilities in your area.

Benefits and grants for disabled people and their carers

What financial support is available for disabled people in Cardiff.

Blue Badge parking

Blue badge holders can use reserved parking bays. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply.

Disabled person parking places

If you have permanent special mobility needs, you might request a disabled persons parking place outside your home.

Information Directory - Dewis Cymru External link opens in a new window

Access a range of information and resources in your area to provide support and improve your wellbeing.

A​dditional Learning Needs

Information, advice and support for parents of children with special educational needs

Learning disability

Find out how we can help people with learning disabilities.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Our responsibility to support people who cannot make decisions for themselves.


Telecare Cardiff is a 24-hour telepho​ne link to our community alarm and response service that allows you to stay safe and independent in your own home.

Be a Care Worker​

Apply for vacancies with social care providers in Cardiff.

© 2022 Cardiff Council