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Cardiff Council

How much are care services

Your assessments and all the information and advice we provide you afterwards is completely free.  The cost of any services you receive depends on your specific financial situation and the service provided.

What if my primary needs are health-related?

You do not have to pay for any services provided by the NHS. If you need nursing care, NHS nurses can come to your home or care home. If you need to move to a care home that provides nursing care, then the NHS will pay a fixed amount for the nursing part of the home’s fees.

You might also be eligible for Continuing NHS Health Care​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Link opens in a new window In this case, your services would be fully covered by the NHS and you would  receive it in an NHS building or a care home with nursing.

If you decide to receive it at home, NHS would cover your nursing services, but not general support costs.

Services provided at home

The cost of services delivered in your own home will depend on many things.
Generally, you will have to pay some of the cost of your care if your savings or capital (excluding the value of your house) is above a certain amount. There will be a cap on how much you will be charged weekly.
Your Social Worker or Visiting Officer will tell you the capital limit amount and current maximum charge per week.

​What if I prefer to make my own arrangements?

Some people prefer to make their own arrangements. If we are funding your services, the Direct Payments Scheme allows you to do this and pay your care staff yourself while we oversee that money is properly used.


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