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Cardiff Council

Land and Water Adventurous Activities

​The program gives children the chance to experience new and exciting sports and activities, challenging them both mentally and physically. It helps to improve a child’s personal and social development through team exercises and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Through sports and activities, children will develop and build on physical skills such as balance, control, running, throwing and catching. They will also learn how to communicate and work effectively with their peers through teambuilding exercises and games, which will help develop strong relationships and social skills.

Course benefits and outcomes 

  • Develop pupils understanding in a variety of land and water based adventurous activities.
  • Take part in problem solving or survival activities requiring pupils to plan collaboratively in pairs or small groups. 
  • Selecting and applying skills.
  • Develop pupil’s problem solving skills in a variety of situations in adventurous activities. 
  • Enable pupils to plan and work successfully as individuals, in pairs and in groups.
  • Develop pupils understanding of the importance and significance of rules and safety. 

Where is the course held? 

Cardiff White Water Rafting Centre, 
Watkiss Way, 
Cardiff Bay, 
CF11 0SY.


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