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Cardiff Council

What is an Annual Review?

​​​​​Cardiff Council must review your child's Statement of Special Educational Needs at least every year and every six months if your child is under five. Early reviews can also be called if necessary. 

The Annual Review is a meeting normally held in your child's school or early years setting. Everyone who is involved with your child is invited to attend or send written comments. The Headteacher or their representative will chair the meeting and send a report of the review to the SEN Casework Team. 

The Annual Review is an opportunity for you and your child to share your views with the school or early years setting and the Council.

The meeting will:
  • Record any changes in your child's circumstances 
  • Consider your child's progress and whether the Statement is still appropriate for your child's needs
  • Set new targets for the next year to be used to update the Individual Education Plan (IEP) 

You can ask for support from SNAP Cymru to help you complete forms, look at reports and attend the Annual Review meeting with you. 

Who will attend the meeting? 

The school will invite you, your child whenever possible, people who have worked with your child, any professionals who have been involved, a representative from the Council and anyone else you or the school feel would be able to give helpful information or advice. It is very important that you attend your child's Annual Review. 

Will there be any paperwork? 

All the people invited to the meeting by the school will be asked for a report. Reports are returned to the school so the school can send copies out two weeks before the meeting. It is important for you to complete the form which asks for your views and return it to the school or setting. Your child's views should also be provided if possible. 

What will happen at the meeting? 

Your child's progress will be discussed and information shared. You can ask questions or ask for an explanation if you are unclear about anything that is said. You will be asked for your views, which will be taken into account and recorded. The review should end with a clear set of targets that the school and your child can work on until the next review. 

Reviews in Years One, Five and Nine 

These reviews are called ‘transition reviews’. The review in Year 1 looks at the transition into junior school at the end of Year 2. The review in Year 5 should be held in the summer term and considers the transition to high school at the end of Year 6. The review in Year 9 is held to put forward recommendations and make plans for your child's move into adult life. 

What happens after the Annual Review? 

A report of the meeting, summing up what is said and including any recommendations will be sent to the Council, along with all the reports submitted for the review. Everyone who went to the meeting will be sent a copy. The Council will contact you to tell you if they agree with the recommendations. 

If there are any changes needed, the Council will consult you about amending the statement. You will have all the same opportunities to give your views and meet to talk with us, as you had when the statement was first made.

Who can I contact if I need further help or support?

  • ​The Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCO) at your child's School or Setting.
  • Your Casework Officer based in the SEN Casework Team at County Hall.​ Tel: 029 20872731
  • ​SNAP Cymru who provide an Independent Parent Partnership Service. Tel: 0845 120 3730​

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