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Cardiff Council

Education Improvement Partnership for East Cardiff

Our goal is to raise school's standards and performance for young people growing up in the East of Cardiff. We want to make changes and improvements quickly, so that young people in the area can achieve their full potential which is why we want to create an Education Improvement Partnership.


A new idea in Cardiff and the first in Wales, an Education Improvement Partnership or an ‘EIP' is about raising standards in education quickly by involving a number of different specialist organisations.


The idea being that all local education providers plus a wide range of community agencies and partners are able to work together, bringing their appropriate expertise to support the improvement in education standards.


The EIP will be working with representatives from the following areas to start making a real difference:


  • Local primary, High schools and post-16 education providers
  • Health Board
  • Children's Services,
  • Neighbourhood Management Team
  • Flying Start
  • Police.


A new state of the art high school 


The plan remains to build a brand new, modern high school with over 16s academic and vocational provision, replacing Llanrumney and Rumney High schools.


A new build school would need to be located on a suitable site within the community, and this would be consulted on fully with parents, schools, pupils and the wider community ready for a target opening date of September 2016.


Find out more about an EIP 


You can read more about what an EIP does, including the benefits it can bring to a community by downloading the Education Improvement Partnership booklet (1mb PDF)​​​​​​​​​​Link opens in a new window by the Department for Education and Skills.


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