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Cardiff Council

Businesses responsibility

​​​​​​Failure to produce documentation on demand can result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of £300 or prosecution where the maximum fine is £5000. The maximum fine for illegally dumping waste is £50,000 or five years in prison.​
If you run a business in Cardiff, you have a responsibility and a legal duty of care to ensure that your waste and recycling is stored and disposed of in the correct way. Our trade waste collection team can help you with this.

You must either:

  • Arrange a contract with a licensed waste disposal company to ensure the supply of a proper storage container and the legitimate disposal of your waste, and

  • Receive paperwork from your waste disposal company to show your waste has been disposed of legally. You must keep this paperwork for inspection by Cardiff Council for a minimum of two years for non-hazardous waste and 3 years for hazardous waste. 

You should maintain a file with your waste-disposal contract and any receipts (waste transfer notes) or forms you receive from waste collectors. This will help you when we perform our routine checks under the Environmental Protection Act 1990​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window.


Failure to produce documentation on demand can result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of £300 or prosecution where the maximum fine is £5000. The maximum fine for illegally dumping waste is £50,000 or five years in prison.
Your business could receive a letter called a Section 47 Notice. This is a legal document issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window. The notice has formal instructions on how to store, present or dispose of business recycling and waste. We can also instruct the number and type of bins or bags required, along with the recommended number of collections needed.

The notice has formal instructions on how to store, present or dispose of recycling and waste.

If you follow all instructions in the notice there will be no further action.

If you fail to follow the instructions in the notice, you will receive a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) of £100.
You cannot appeal a Fixed Penalty Notice with the council. If you feel that you should not have received the notice, your opportunity to disagree would be through the Magistrate Court. 

Any waste created as part of building improvements, repairs or alterations to a rental property is the responsibility of the Landlord or Letting Agent.

This includes fixtures and fittings supplied under the terms of the lease, such as washing machines, carpets, etc. that later become waste if they are broken, or no longer required.

Once a tenancy ends, any waste left behind becomes the responsibility of a landlord to dispose of. Make sure you are clear in communicating to your tenants that they will be charged if they leave waste behind, and you have to dispose of it.

There are several ways you can dispose of the waste, all of which you will need to pay for:
  • Take your waste to an authorised commercial waste recycling centre where you will be issued with Waste Transfer Notes, as proof of disposal. 
  • Arrange an additional waste clearance
Find out more information about your responsibility as a landlord in Cardiff. Before your tenants move in, please ensure that they have:

  • recycling bags, 
  • a food waste caddy, and 
  • the correct bins at their property. 
You can find out whether a property should be using bins or bags by entering the postcode on check my collection page. ​

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