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Cardiff Council

Additional waste collections

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​​​You can pay for a one-off additional waste collection if you: 

  • occasionally have too much rubbish to fit into your black bin, or black bags if you use them, for kerbside collection, or 
  • are moving out of your property and need your additional waste removed.

or a quote please contact C2C on 029 2087 2087 and an officer will get back to you with a quote.

Please provide:

  • your address, and 
  • a list of the exact items you want to have collected. 

Please let us know if you have a specific date you need the waste collected by.

We will try to meet this date but you must book the collection at least 48 hours in advance.

Don’t forget, if you are a Cardiff resident you can use our Recycling Centres​ free of charge to recycle a range of items.​

Pay as you throw

The cost is £5 per bag.​​

We can collect a minimum of 5 bags and a maximum of 20 bags per collection. ​

Pay as you throw costs
Number of bags

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