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Cardiff Council

Letting Board Controls

​​​The City of Cardiff Council has received approval from the Welsh Planning Minister to introduce local controls over the erection of residential letting boards within the Cathays and Plasnewydd wards. These controls will be in force from 1st October 2015.

The reason for the Direction is that the number of letting boards displayed has become so excessive that they are considered to have a significant adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area and the wellbeing of the resident communities.

This is known as a 'Regulation 7 Direction', which removes normal rights (known as 'Deemed Consent') to display such boards without permission unless they follow s​trict criteria (PDF 2mb).

It is
unlawful for letting boards that do not conform to the criteria to remain in place or be erected within the control area unless they have advertisement consent Those parties responsible for displaying the advert will be subject to enforcement action.

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