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Cardiff Council

Supplementary Planning Guidance

​​​​​​​​​​​Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is produced to provide further detail on certain policies and proposals contained within Cardiff’s Development Plan. They help ensure that certain policies and proposals are better understood and applied effectively.

SPG do not have the same status or weight as adopted Development Plan policies. However, the Government advises that they may be taken into account as a material consideration in determining planning applications.

Following the adoption of the LDP on 28th January, 2016, there will be a programme of updating and revising previously approved SPG based on those referenced through the LDP Examination process- Plus others more recently identified as priorities. Once new updated SPG have been prepared, they will replace previous SPG relating to that topic.

The primary policy basis for the assessment of development proposals will be National policies and guidance along with policies set out in the LDP. However, prior to new updated SPG being prepared, where existing SPG is considered consistent with the new LDP policy framework, it will continue to be material to the Development Management process.  


Current and recent SPG Consultations


Approved SPGs


Conservation Area Appraisals

A series of Conservation Area Appraisals have been adopted and are available to view​. The documents set out what is special about each area, providing information and guidance about the controls in place.​

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