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Cardiff Council

Seagull Nuisance Advice

Gulls are traditionally part of seaside environments however there has been an increase in their presence in urban areas.

Breeding season in gulls starts from May to the end of July, which explains why there appears to be more of a problem with these birds during the summer.

Seagulls and the law

All species of gull are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window which states it is illegal to intentionally injure or kill any gull or destroy an active nest or its contents.

However, the law recognises that in certain circumstances control measures may be necessary. Simple nuisance or minor damage to property are not reasons to kill gulls. Find out more via RSPB Cymru.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

Cardiff Council has no statutory duty to take action against gulls.

How to avoid issues with seagulls and pests

Cardiff has a natural seagull population that is attracted to food sources. To help avoid issues, please follow our advice with your food waste:

  • Place all unwanted uncooked and cooked food waste in the kitchen caddy
  • Keep the outside of kitchen caddy clean from drips and spills
  • Use the free council issues liners
  • Make sure the lid is kept closed
  • Tie the liner and place it in the kerbside caddy 
  • If you have too much food you can request a further kerbside caddy
  • Mark your caddy with your house number or name so you are able to identify your food caddy following collection
  • Rinse food packaging such as bottles, tins, jars and food trays, before placing in the green recycling bags
  • Put out your green recycling bags and food waste kerbside caddy out for collection every week
  • Only use Cardiff Council food caddies and green recycling bag to ensure your waste is collected
  • Regularly check the outside of your property to make sure any broken vents or drain pipes are repaired. Animals such as rats can be attracted to houses if they provide a warm safe place for them to nest

The food waste collection service and the caddy design has been developed to stop the problems with pests attacking food sources.

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