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Cardiff Council

Traffic access permits

​There are traffic restrictions in some neighbourhoods in Cardiff.

Their aim is to reduce traffic or prevent unsuitable vehicles from using some roads. These permits are for access only and are not parking permits. Please follow parking restrictions in the area.

You may need a traffic permit to access these restricted roads.

The types of access permits are:

  • resident, 
  • carer, or
  • business (also covering religious or community group). 

All traffic access permits are free and digital. You do not need to display anything in your vehicle. 

There are 3 types of resident traffic access permits.

Annual permits

You can apply online for a resident traffic access permit if you live in a property that is part of a traffic access scheme. Your vehicle must also be registered or kept at your address.

To apply, you will need your council tax reference number, and a copy of 1 of the following: 

  • UK Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5c Logbook), 
  • Lease, Finance or Rental Agreement, or
  • Insurance Certificate and Policy (including Motability Insurance).

For company vehicles, you will need to give us a company-headed letter dated within 28 days of your application to confirm that:

  • you are an employee or director,
  • you are authorised to drive the vehicle, and
  • you keep the vehicle at your address overnight. 

The letter must also confirm your vehicle registration number, and the name and position of the person signing the letter.

Companion permits

If you are a resident, you can apply for a single companion permit, for use by family or friends who are not carers, but may visit regularly or help with day-to-day activities. 

You can apply for a companion permit in the same way as an annual permit, however you will not need to provide proof of vehicle ownership.​

You can change the vehicle registration on your companion permits any time through your MiPermit account. You will need to make sure you change this before driving on the restricted road. 

You can apply for 1 companion permit per property. This will last for up to 12 months. ​

Visitor day passes

If you are a resident, you can apply for day passes for your visitors. You will need your council tax reference to apply.

Visitor passes come in bundles of 50. 1 pass gives a full day’s access to 1 vehicle. There is no limit on the number of bundles you can get in a year. Visitor passes are not transferable between vehicles, but you may activate as many as you like in a day. 

When your visitor arrives, you can activate a day pass via the ‘Activate Visitor Permit’ option on your MiPermit account. As long as it is before midnight on the same day, you can activate the pass at any time before or after their arrival. This is valid for free access even if they have already driven through the restricted area. 

For example, if you activate a day pass on Monday at 11am, the vehicle will be covered for all 24 hours of Monday, midnight to midnight. 
If you give regular care to a resident who lives in a property that is part of the traffic access scheme, you may be able to apply for a carer exemption permit. 

This could mean professional care, or care for a family member, partner or friend who cannot manage without day-to-day support. 

A person may need support because of:

  • illness, 
  • frailty, 
  • disability, 
  • mental health issues, or 
  • addiction. 

To apply for a carer exemption permit, you will need a copy of 1 of the following to prove that you own or use the vehicle: 

  • UK Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5c Logbook), 
  • Lease, Finance or Rental Agreement, or
  • Insurance Certificate and Policy (including Motability Insurance).

You will also need to provide 1 of the following, to prove you need access:

  • proof of employment as a professional heath carer,
  • a copy of receipt of Carers Allowance or Carers Credit benefits, or
  • a letter signed by the resident confirming their care requirements. We will review every application individually, based on its own circumstances. 

You must also provide the address of the person you care for.  
Some business or religious group premises are part of a traffic access scheme. If you own, run, or are employed by either of these, you may be entitled to a business traffic access permit.

To apply for business traffic access permit, you will need a copy of 1 of the following to prove that you own or use the vehicle: 

  • UK Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5c Logbook), 
  • Lease, Finance or Rental Agreement, or
  • Insurance Certificate and Policy (including Motability Insurance).

You will also need to provide 1 of the following, to prove you need access:

  • a copy of your business rates, 
  • staff ID, or
  • a covering letter on company-headed paper, signed by a manager or equivalent.

A business or religious group can apply for up to 10 business traffic access permits per premises, on a first-come first-serve basis.

You can change the vehicle registration on your traffic access business permits any time through your MiPermit account. You will need to make sure you change this before driving on the restricted road. ​

Apply for a traffic access permit

You can apply for a traffic access permit through MiPermit.

Apply for a traffic access permit

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