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Cardiff Council

Streetwise Initiative

​​​Children are particularly vulnerable road users and there is a peak in child pedestrian accidents at the age of 12. This coincides with the transition from primary school to secondary school.  

The aim of the streetwise initiative is to raise awareness of road safety to ensure that children have the skills needed to travel safely to their secondary school.  

The streetwise initiative has 2 different education provisions that we deliver to schools in Cardiff.


The Support Officers (Road Safety and Training) deliver road safety training to children in their class room. They teach children about road safety. They cover how to use and behave on the bus, how to walk and cycle safety, how to behave near the road and how to plan a journey.

The Support Officers (Road Safety and Training) provide practical pedestrian training to year 6 pupils in small groups throughout the year.  The training is tailored to the pupils travel plans and the routes that they will be taking to secondary schools, but includes how to cross safely near parked cars, how to cross safely at junctions and how to use pedestrian crossings.

If you would like more information or to get involved in the Streetwise initiative then please contact us or telephone 029 2078 8521.

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