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Cardiff Council

What to do if you cannot find your fine or web code

​​You will need the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) number to pay your fine. The PCN reference number starts with QC.

Depending on the stage of your fine, you may need a web code to appeal. You can find out more about the appeals process for a parking fine and a moving traffic fine

If you have received a parking fine, the web code can be found on the back of the first page of the Notice to Owner. 

If you have received a moving traffic fine, the web code can be found on the back of the first page of the PCN. 

The web code is 8 digits long and is a series of numbers and letters. For example, 111XX111. 

If you cannot find your PCN or web code, please contact us. 

Please only contact us about a fine or web code if you are the registered keeper of the vehicle.

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