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Cardiff Council

Public PC usage policy

​We provide public access to the internet via PC provision in Libraries and Hubs, and provision of free Public Wi-Fi in our public buildings. The aim is to support the educational, recreational and cultural needs of the community.

Using the Public PCs is free to library members, and to guests who will be required to provide some details to obtain guest access login details. Children under 16 require a signed consent form from a parent or guardian, and children under 8 must be supervised by a parent or guardian. 

Many of our PCs are available t​o book ​in advance. There are also adapted PCs to increase accessibility – please check details for each branch library. 

The access provided includes:

  • access to the internet, 
  • web based email, 
  • standard Microsoft Office applications, and 
  • several subscription resources for reference and research. 

Use of a printer is available, which is a chargeable service. 

Access is also governed by the Terms and Conditions set out each time that a user logs on to a Public Access computer. 

Blocked Web Content

Internet access in libraries is filtered automatically, however we cannot guarantee that all offensive or inappropriate sites will be blocked, therefore Cardiff Council and Cardiff Libraries cannot accept liability for any distress caused by accessing such sites.

Equally, some acceptable sites may be incorrectly blocked, but if you find a site which you think should be blocked or unblocked, please inform a member of library staff. What may be acceptable or unacceptable to one person may not be to another. The Library Management team will decide what action to take in respect of your request.

If you are found to be breaking the terms of acceptable use, or any of the Terms and Conditions agreed to at the start of your session, library staff will end your session. Access to this service can be removed at any time. 

If you would like to report a site as either incorrectly blocked or not blocked, please contact us below. Remember to copy the full web address (URL) from the address bar at the top of the browser and paste it into the body of the text, along with a brief explanation of what you think is incorrect. Please include an email address if you would like feedback once we have considered your request.


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