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Cardiff Council

Homeless after leaving hospital

​ If you are at risk of homelessness once you are discharged from hospital, you should contact us as soon as possible so that we can assess your situation and see how we can help you.  

Please tell the hospital nursing staff as soon as possible, so that they know that you will be homeless when you are discharged.

We have specialist staff working in hospitals who can help you. They will discuss your housing options with you, and may refer you to our Housing Options Service.

If necessary we may offer you temporary accommodation whilst we work with you to find a long term solution.

If you have a home already but it needs to be adapted, the hospital can refer you to our Independent Living Service​.

We will help you find a new home and check that you can afford the rent charged before you sign a tenancy agreement. 

We will also ensure the property is of an acceptable standard and is suitable for you. 

We recommend attending our home finder workshops at your local community hub. 

Your case worker will advise you of these, or contact your local hub​ for details.
You could think about applying for a council or a housing association home.

Please note that the amount of properties available are very scarce and it can take a long time. You will only be offered one property.

If you want to apply for a council home or a housing association home you will need to attend a Housing Application interview, where you will be given housing advice based on your needs.

To find out more information about making a housing application please contact 029 2053 7111 or visit your local hub​.​

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