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Cardiff Council

Keeping healthy and active

Local Social Activities

We can put you in touch with charities and organisations in your area where you can take part in activities and get to know new people.

  • Arts and Craft
  • Sports such as bowls, snooker, table tennis 
  • Choirs and sing-along sessions
  • Day trips
  • Bridge Clubs
  • Dancing
  • ​Exercise classes
  • Friendship/social clubs
  • Gardening
  • Book Clubs
  • Special interest groups such as stamp-collecting, Scrabble, French. 
  • Photography
  • Amateur Dramatics



Charities and organisations provide befriending or similar services that can help to reduce someone’s loneliness or social isolation. Some services are aimed at specific groups including people suffering from Alzheimer’s/dementia or their carers, people affected by sight and/or hearing loss, veterans and their families, and members of the BME community in Wales.



VEST Community Transport​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window helps people who are unable to use regular public transport due to age, disability or isolation. Their specially-equipped buses provide a door-to-door service. Whether you want to go shopping or meet friends or you need to go to the doctor’s surgery, they can help you get there.   

Other charities and organisations may also be help you with transport if you are finding it more difficult to get out and about.   


Meal Management

Luncheon Clubs bring older people together to enjoy a nutritious meal and socialise with friends. 


The major supermarkets all offer a home-delivery service. Local greengrocers, fishmongers and butchers may also deliver to your front door. Other companies such as Wiltshire Farm Foods​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window​ ​can deliver ready-made meals, fresh or frozen, to your door.  

We also provide Meals on Wheels​. Delivering hot nutritious meals that cater for a wide variety of diets and conditions.

If you would like to find out more, please contact us.

220 234 234​

Monday – Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm
Friday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
© 2022 Cardiff Council