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Cardiff Council

Who is responsible for paying Council Tax?

​The person named on the Council Tax bill is responsible for paying the charges.

Where the property is occupied this is usually the resident with the most interest in the property, such as:
  • Owner occupiers, and
  • Tenants (as long as they don't live at the same property as their landlord).
Owners will be liable for properties that are unoccupied and for properties that are considered to be a House in Multiple Occupation. 

If you are a landlord, you may be responsible for paying Council Tax. 

Joint Liability

Joint and several liability is a legal term which means that each person with the same level of interest in a property is equally responsible for paying the Council Tax.
We will issue the Council Tax bill in more than one name if you:
  • own your property jointly with another person or other people,
  • have a joint tenancy with another person or other people,
  • are married,
  • are part of a civil partnership, or
  • live with someone else as part of a couple.

​​Right of appeal

If you disagree with the decision to make you liable for the charge, or if you believe you are entitled to a reduction or exemption, then you have the right to appeal. 


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