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Cardiff Council

Hate Crime

​Hate crimes may be physical or verbal attacks, threats or insults that are motivated by the victim's Age, Disability, Ethnicity, Religious Belief or Non Belief, Sex or Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.
Hate crimes can be any criminal action that is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice and hatred.
Hate crimes often go unreported, leaving offenders free to commit further offences. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a hate crime, please make sure that it gets reported. By reporting these offences a picture of the number, type and range of incidents taking place in Cardiff can be recorded, enabling resources to be targeted in order to deal with them. 

You can find more information about hate crimes on South Wales Police's​ website​. 

Report Hate Crime 

If you are in immediate danger call the Police by dialling 999 (non-emergencies 101). 

You also can report a hate crime online using Victim Support website. You can report anonymously if you need to. 

You can also contact Victim Support 24 hours a day on 0300 30 31 982​​. ​

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