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Cardiff Council

Alley gating


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We use alley gating to:

  • tackle crime and disorder,
  • help reduce the fear of crime, and
  • restore community confidence.

Alley gates restrict public access to an alleyway by installing freestanding lockable gates. If you own or live in an adjacent property, you can get a key.  

We use Public Spaces Protection Orders (under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act) to put the restrictions in place.

You can view:

Report a problem with an alley gate

If you have seen any problems with an alley gate, please let us know.

How to make a gating request 

If you would like to check if an alley is on our list of requests, or to make a new request, please email us: 

Please note that we may not be able to gate an alley. There are several factors to consider: 

  • Levels of anti-social behaviour, and if gating is an appropriate solution.
  • If the alley is the main or only means of access to recreational land, residential, or business premises.
  • If and how gates may impact neighbours and the community.
  • If there is a convenient alternative route.
  • If gating will interfere with things like garage access, or underground cables and drains.

We are committed to a 2-year programme of gating schemes. When this ends, we will review our list of requests for the next 2 years (subject to funding and resources). 

We will carry out a full gating process for all alleys before we can make a final decision. This process includes:

  • further technical investigations,
  • resident consultations, and
  • consideration of any representations raised. 

Find out more about the current alley gating programme. 

How to request an alley gate key 

If we have not yet gated the alley, please contact us at for information about how to get keys. Once we have installed the gates, you will need to collect the keys from Central Library Hub. Please make sure you bring valid ID.​ 

Extra or replacement keys cost £10 each. 

If you own a property adjoining a gated alley, or are a tenant, you can get a key to the alley gate. 

If you are a property owner, you will need to provide 2 forms of ID (including 1 photographic) to prove your identity and address. 

If you are a tenant, to prove your identity and address, you will need to provide:

  • written consent from your landlord, and
  • 2 forms of ID (including one photographic).

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