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Cardiff Council

Uploading evidence

​​​​You may need to provide evidence to support your new claim for Housing Benefit,​ Council Tax Reduction, Discretionary Housing Payment, or before we can action a change of circumstance. We will advise you what, if anything, you will need to provide.

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit we will not need any further evidence of your income, capital or expenses. We will need to see a copy of your Universal Credit statement which contains:
  • A full breakdown of your personal and housing allowance
  • Details of any earnings and deductions
  • Your payment details
To download your Universal Credit award as a PDF file:​

If we have asked you to provide proof of your rental liability, a ‘Proof of Rent’ form is available for your landlord to complete if you have no other evidence.

If you are accessing this form using a smartphone you may need to save the form to your device before completing it.
If we have asked you for evidence of your employment a ‘Certificate of Earned Income’ is available for your employer to complete if you have no other evidence.

If you are accessing this form using a smartphone you may need to save the form to your device before completing it.

​If we have asked you for evidence of your Self-employment and you have been trading for at least a month a ‘Self-Employed Declaration of Earnings’ is available for you to complete

If you are accessing this form using a smartphone you may need to save the form to your device before completing it.
If you, your partner or your children are unable to share a bedroom due to a disability please complete the relevant form.

If you are accessing these forms using a smartphone you may need to save the form to your device before completing it.

Upload your evidence​​

If you have been asked to provide evidence to support your new claim, change in circumstances or your application for discretionary housing payments you can upload it online using the link below.

You can also use this link to upload your completed application for discretionary housing payments.

To upload your evidence or application for discretionary housing payments you will need:
  • Your name
  • Address
  • National insurance number
  • Date of birth

You do not need to know your claim number so don​’t worry if you haven’t got one yet.​

If you are not able to upload your evidence you can email it to:​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

Evidence can also be provided at your local Hub or by posting it by Free Post to: Freepost Cardiff Council Housing Benefit.

© 2022 Cardiff Council