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Cardiff Council

How Council Tax Reduction is worked out

​​​​The amount of reduction you get depends on your income and savings.

We will calculate how much money you need to live on based on your family circumstances. If your income is higher than your needs - as determined by government figures - the amount of reduction you receive will be reduced. 

Your reduction may also be reduced if you have other adults living in your home. 

Find out how to apply for Council Tax Reduction.

How Council Tax Reduction is awarded

If your claim is successful, you will start receiving Council Tax Reduction from the day your claim was received.

The amount of the reduction will be automatically allocated to your Council Tax account. A new bill will be sent to you, showing your new balance and instalments.​​

Once you are told about your reduction you can ask us how we made our decision. You can also ask us to look at the decision again if you think it is wrong. Find out how to appeal a decision​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Link opens in a new window

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