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Cardiff Council

Cardiff housing support programme strategy 2022 to 2026

​​​The Cardiff Housing Support Programme Strategy 2022—2026 sets out the strategic direction for homelessness prevention and housing related support services in Cardiff for the next four years.  

The Strategy builds on the work that is already taking place to prevent and address homelessness and will reinforce the “No Going Back” pledge made following the pandemic.  

We want to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief and not repeated. 

The key aims of the Strategy are:

  • Prevent homelessness wherever possible
  • Ensure that everyone receives the right help and support 
  • Take a rapid rehousing approach to homelessness
  • Provide good quality supported accommodation for those who need it. 

​​​The information in these documents has been designed for print. This format may not be fully accessible online.​

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