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Cardiff Council

Local Well-being Assessment

​​Published in March 2022, Cardiff's Local Well-being Assessment provides an analysis of Cardiff's social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being and identifies the key opportunities and challenges facing Cardiff as the city grows.

The assessment is undertaken by Cardiff Public Services Board (PSB) every 5 years, as required under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

By identifying where the city is performing well, where it needs to improve and its key challenges, the assessment will help the PSB to review its objectives for improving the well-being of Cardiff and develop a revised PSB Local Well-being Plan, for publication in May 2023.

Cardiff's Assessment of Local Well-being is comprised of:

The Background Report (0.4MB​) Link opens in a new window provides an overview of the methodology utilised to create the assessment, alongside the evidence base and statutory reviews and assessments considered.

View more information on the evidence base ​used Link opens in a new window to develop this assessment, including key indicator data sets for each electoral ward in Cardiff.

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