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Cardiff Council

Pet and animal welfare in an emergency

If you own an animal you are responsible for its welfare whether you own a small holding or you have a dog or cat as a member of your family.
Plan to keep your pet safe in an emergency. Consider the following:
  • Arrange a pet evacuation buddy, a friend who would look after your pet if you had to evacuate your home. This could be a dog walking friend or a fellow cat lover or if you have a more exotic pet someone able and willing to look after it.
  • Copy your pet inoculation card and keep your vet details with it in case you have to arrange kennelling for a pet.
  • If you can, take any essential pet medication with you as you evacuate, but if your safety is at risk follow the emergency service advice.
  • If you must leave your pet in the property consider giving them free access within the property but away from potential danger and make sure they have food and water for 3 days.
  • A Cardiff Council evacuation centre may allow an owner to bring their Dog or cat to a specific pet area within an evacuation centre but the owner is responsible for the welfare of the animal and ensuring the pet is kept safe and ensure and not a risk to other people and animals. No exotic / dangerous animals would be allowed in a Cardiff Council Evacuation centre.
  • Never leave an animal in a car even if windows are open as cars can become dangerously hot in minutes, this is not just a risk in the summer!

More advice on animal welfare is available on the RSPCA website or if an animal is in distress the RSPCA can be called on: 

0300 1234 999

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