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Cardiff Council

Get involved with Scrutiny

​​If you live and work in Cardiff, our Scrutiny Committee members want to hear from you.

Your opinions will help to inform the topics under scrutiny and improve the Council’s performance.​

You can see what topics the Scrutiny Committees are examining by visiting each Scrutiny Committee page.​

Some of the topics that the Scrutiny Committees have contributed to are: 
  • Monitoring Schools' pandemic response,
  • Cardiff's Violence Prevention Strategy,
  • Improving safety in parks and leisure services,
  • Monitoring the progress of Cardiff becoming Carbon Neutral by 2030, and the
  • Race Equality Taskforce.​

You can share your views and experiences on these topics, and can also suggest a topic for future scrutiny by using our online contact form.​

What is Scrutiny?

Scrutiny committee members monitor the Council’s performance and investigate areas of concern. They also hold to account Council decision takers and examine proposed strategies and policies. 

They check, and report on all areas of the Concil's work, including partnership work.

The committees ask questions, gather evidence and report their observations and recommendations to Cabinet, either by letter or in a report.

Cabinet then formally responds to the recommendations submitted. 

If members think an official decision has been made incorrectly, they can call it in.

If their request for a call-in is agreed, the relevant scrutiny committee meets to examine the decision and whether they think Cabinet or Full Council should reconsider the decision.
Scrutiny Committees consider available Equality Impact Assessment reports to make sure that equalities considerations are taken into account.

Scrutiny Committees pro-actively try to make sure that minority and under-represented groups are included in their work.

Have your say

Scrutiny Committee members are keen to hear the opinions and concerns of those who live and work in Cardiff.

Having your say helps to inform their work and improve outcomes. Share your views and experiences and suggest a topic for future scrutiny.

Contact us


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