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Cardiff Council

Privacy Notices for Cardiff Council Employees

​​​​​​​​​These notices explain how we obtain, use and store Cardiff Council employee data. The notices also explain your rights in relation to this data.​​​

Cardiff Council Sharing of Staff Data Privacy Notice​

This notice is designed to give Cardiff Council staff​ information on the personal data we hold, how we use it, your rights in relation to it and the safeguards that are in place to protect it.​

COVID-19​ Testing of Staff in Schools and Childcare Settings​ Privacy Notice​

This notice explains the processing, storing and sharing of personal data needed to enable COVID-19 testing to be completed at all Cardiff Schools or Registered Childcare settings.​

Lateral Flow Workforce Testing Privacy Notice​​

This notice provides information on the personal data that is processed in relation to Lateral Flow Workforce Testing.​​

© 2022 Cardiff Council