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Cardiff Council

Customer Service ChatBot Data Processing

Written content submitted through our customer service ChatBot (Bobi) in Welsh will be processed by Google Translate in order to derive an English text equivalent for content recognition. This means that any information entered in Welsh is also subject to the data processing terms of Google Translate.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window 

Due to Google Translate operating outside the EU,  any data entered into this chat will be transferred outside of the EU. For further information on this please see Google Translate Privacy Policy.​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

Images uploaded to the ChatBot as part of a fly-tipping report may also be handled outside the EU. They are temporarily stored in the Cloud before being submitted to the Waste Management team. After submission, images are retained in the Cloud for 24 hours before being deleted. 

All chatbot transcripts are recorded for training and monitoring purposes. Transcripts will be retained by Cardiff Council for twelve months.​
© 2022 Cardiff Council