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Cyngor Caerdydd

Fy Nghymdogaeth

Defnyddiwch eich cod post i ddod o hyd i gynghorwyr, cyfleusterau, dalgylchoedd ysgol lleol a mwy.

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Cyngor Caerdydd

Sut i baratoi ar gyfer argyfwng

There are many things you might consider doing to help prepare for dealing with a major incident. The following three steps are recommended as part of that process:


Step One


Consider developing contingency and business continuity plans for your organisation.


Contingency plans
Contingency plans are pre-agreed arrangements developed to help guide an organisation during a major incident. 


Business continuity plans
Business continuity planning is a management process that helps manage the risks to your organisation thereby helping it to operate in the event of a disruption. 


Step Two


Familiarise yourself with the appropriate EVAC maps and evacuation guidance. Confirm the location of your premise(s), and make a note of it.




It is also important that you are aware of which areas and sectors adjoin your location so that you are aware of events that might have an immediate impact on your business.


Step Three


Consider how your organisation will receive alerts about major incidents that occur, and include this information in your contingency and business continuity plans.


The five main methods for receiving alerts in a major incident in the city centre are:


For further information or advice please contact the emergency management team. 


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