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Cardiff Council

Summer Reading Challenge

​​​For the Summer Reading Challenge 2023, the Reading Agency have teamed up with the Youth Sport Trust to create ‘Ready, Set, Read!’, a challenge that is all about sports and games.

The Ready, Set, Read! challenge starts on 8 July and runs until September. 

Our library staff will be available through the summer to: 

  • help with book selection
  • provide encouragement 
  • host events for children with a sports and games theme

How to take part

  1. Visit your local library​ and sign up to the challenge for free. You will receive a Ready, Steady, Read! pack when you register. ​
  2. Set a personal reading goal for the summer. We recommend 6 books. 
  3. Borrow and read books, eBooks, and audiobooks of your choice. Our library staff will be available to help you choose. 
  4. Come back to the library and tell us what you have been reading. 
  5. Collect a prize from the library each time you finish a book. 
  6. Once you have reached your goal, you will receive a medal and certificate.​

If you cannot get to the library

Do not worry if you cannot make it to the library! You can sign up online instead. 

Remember to enter Cardiff when asked for more information. 

Other activities and events that are going on over the summer 

You can find activities and events that are taking place over the summer​.​​


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