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Cardiff Council

Road Safety

​​​​Adult Cycle Training

National Standard Cycle Training provided for beginners to more experienced cyclists.

Child Cycle Training

We Offer National Standard Cycle Training (level 1 and 2) to all Cardiff primary schools.

Junior Road Safety Officer Initiative

Our Junior Road Safety Officer initiative aims to highlight to parents and guardians the dangers associated with parking and traffic congestion around school entrances.


Kerbcraft teaches children in year 2 how to be safer pedestrians by taking them onto roads and showing them how to make the right decisions to keep safe.

Motorcycle Training

Various resources and training courses exist to enable established riders to improve their skills and to keep themselves safe.

School Crossing Patrol Service

School Crossing Patrols are employed to help provide a safer route for pupils travelling to and from school.

School Travel Plans

All schools are being encouraged to develop and implement school travel plans to help increase safety of pupils and parents on the way to and from school.

Streetwise Initiative

The streetwise initiative is to raise awareness of road safety to ensure that children have the skills needed to travel safely to their secondary school.  

Walking Buses

The Walking Bus is an alternative way for children and parents to travel to and from school in Cardiff. Staffed by either school staff or trained parent volunteers.

Travel support for pupils with Additional Learning needs

The Independent Travel Training Scheme (ITTS) aims to give pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) the key skills and confidence to travel around the city independently, using public transport. 

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