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Cardiff Council

Early Years Inclusion (Birth to 5 years)

​​​The Early Years Inclusion Team offer services for children with additional needs up to the age of 5 years. The team offers support and advice to families and childcare providers to ensure a smooth transition into nursery or reception.


The main aims of the team are to:

  • provide guidance for early identification and assessment of children with Additional Learning Needs (ALN).
  • plan for and support the transition of children with SEN and significant medical needs into an early years setting. Arranging medical training, risk assessments or care plans where necessary.  
  • work in partnership with health organisations, other local authority teams and specialist provision teams to initiate, develop and manage support and advice services.

Please contact us on 029 2067 1479 or 029 2067 1466 for advice or further information. ​

For more information and support for parents/carers and young people visit the Cardiff Education services website​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window​​​.​
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