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Cardiff Council

Community Infrastructure Levy

​​​​The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations were introduced in April 2010 and allow Local Authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers who are undertaking new building projects in their area. The Levy (or ‘CIL’) is a charge per square metre of new development and is collected as development is implemented. The money can be used to pay for a wide range of infrastructure that is needed to support growth. This can include things like transport schemes, schools and community facilities. 

​Each Local Authority prepares its own ‘charging schedule’ that identifies the level of CIL that will be applied to each type of ‘chargeable development’. CIL is a fixed charge and unlike Section 106 agreements is non-negotiable.

In 2017, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) published a review of the Community Infrastructure Levy, entitled ‘CIL Review: Report to Government’, which recommended a series of changes to the process. At this stage, the preparation of a Community Infrastructure Levy for Cardiff was put on hold.

CIL has since been devolved to the Welsh Government through the Wales Act 2017. Once the Welsh Government set out their approach to Community Infrastructure Levy, the Council will then consider how best to progress a CIL for Cardiff.

The Council will continue to seek all developer contributions through Section 106 until further notice.

​Contact us

For any queries regarding CIL please contact:

Contact us

Tel: 029 2087 3483

Community Infrastructure Levy
Strategic Planning, Cardiff Council
Room 250 County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
CF10 4UW

© 2022 Cardiff Council