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Cardiff Council

White Barn Road area parking and traffic changes

​​We would like to hear what you think about our proposals for White Barn Road, Coed Glas Road, Cilgerran Crescent, Gaerwen Close and Cadnant Close.

We are proposing to make these roads permit parking areas.

This means that anyone parking on these roads between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday, will need a permit.

This will help to protect space for residents and their visitors, prevent problem parking and encourage walking, cycling and use of public transport.

Residents will be able to apply for up to 2 permits for vehicles kept or registered at their address, and a permit allowance for visitors. Residents will not need permits to park on private driveways.

We may also introduce some yellow lines to prevent obstructive or dangerous parking, such as near junctions or on sharp bends in the road, and make Cilgerran Crescent a one-way street.

​Have your say

This consultation is closed. 

We are currently reviewing all the feedback. We will update this page once we have decided if we will progress with the scheme. 


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