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Cardiff Council

Adamsdown Primary School

​The Council is informing residents about plans to make changes to the highway on Constellation Street. 

There is an existing priority-narrowing feature on Constellation Street outside Adamsdown Primary School near Anderson Fields; this reduces two-way traffic flow down to single file. It is proposed to remove this feature and replace it with a built out tabled zebra crossing. Priority narrowing’s can impede traffic flow, can result in driver aggression, and can lead to bus journey time delays. Removing the priority narrowing will improve bus journey time reliability by helping bus movements. 

  • Reduce vehicle speeds 
  • Install a full width table crossing and remove road narrowing. 
  • Widen the existing footway outside Adamsdown Primary School on the north side of Constellation Street.
  • Implement a new TRO (Traffic regulation Order) on Constellation Street. 

The above traffic calming measure will improve pedestrian crossing facilities in the area for pedestrians but also assist in reducing vehicle speeds along Constellation Street that creates a safer highway environment for all users along this route. 

The scheme is being funded from the Welsh Government – Active Travel Fund.

We would appreciate any comments you may have regarding the proposals. 

We understand you may have suggestions for other improvements to increase safety along Constellation Street. Due to funding constraints we may be unable to accommodate any significant changes to these plans at this time, however we will keep a record of any suggestions we receive to incorporate into future schemes. 

If you would like to make any comments about this proposal please let us know by 27 July 2023.

Email: ​​​


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