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Cardiff Council

Walking Buses

​The Walking Bus is an alternative way for children and parents to travel to and from school in Cardiff. Staffed by either school staff or trained parent volunteers, it provides children with regular exercise and the opportunity to develop vital road safety skills as they walk.

Walking is fun, healthy and provides important daily exercise. By supporting the Walking Bus you can help reduce traffic, noise, congestion and pollution near schools.

Walking Bus Schemes can operate in two different ways: 

Park and Stride

A walking bus from a designated car parking area. In the mornings, pupils gather at the designated car parking area, adult volunteers will then escort them for the remaining walking journey into school. At the end of the school day, adult volunteers escort pupils on the return journey to the car park. This type of walking bus may also have designated ‘bus stops’ on its walking route from which more pupils could be collected and dropped off at specific times. 

Walking Bus

A walking bus following a pre-determined route. Adult volunteers begin at a designated starting point and follow a pre-defined route stopping at pre-arranged ‘bus stops’ at specific times to pick up pupils on route into school. On the return journey the walking bus follows the same route dropping off pupils at the ‘bus stops’. 

If you are a parent, teacher or governor and would like more information about how to start a Walking Bus please contact a member of the Road Safety Team or telephoning 029 2078 8521.

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