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Cardiff Council

Council tenants and leaseholders

Apply for housing​

Who can apply, how to apply and how we allocate housing in Cardiff.

Home exchange scheme​

Register to swap homes with another council or housing association tenant.

Stop tenancy cheats​

Tell us anonymously if you know someone who is committing tenancy fraud.

Paying your rent​

Pay your rent online or find out other ways to pay.

Tenancy succession​

Advice about passing on a tenancy to another person when a tenant dies.

Anti-social behaviour​

How to report it and what we are doing about it.

Repairs to your home​

Who is responsible for repairs on your home and how to report repairs needed. Information about planned maintenance and gas servicing.

Right to buy​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window​​

The Right to Buy your council home ended in Wales on 26th January 2019.

Cladding on high rise flats​

What we are doing to address fire safety issues in our buildings.

Electrical installation connection testing​

Find out about the tests we conduct to ensure tenants' and guests' safety.


Advice if you have bought a leasehold property either under the Government’s “Right to Buy” scheme or from an existing leaseholder.

Gypsy and Traveller sites​

How to find a site and apply for a pitch.

Low cost home contents insurance​

We can arrange home contents insurance for you through Aviva Insurance Limited.

Renting a council garage​

Information about renting a Council Garage.

Have your say and get involved​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

Find out how you can have your say on how we deliver housing services and get involved in tenant events in your local community.

Tenant Participation​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window
© 2022 Cardiff Council