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Cardiff Council

Help with your rent

​If you are working age, on a low income and need help with your rental costs, you will probably need to submit a claim for Universal Credit with the DWP. 

You can still claim Housing Benefit if you are a pensioner, or are entitled to a severe disablement premium within the other benefits you receive, or if you are living in supported accommodation. 

In exceptional circumstances those in receipt of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit may qualify for additional help with their rent by applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

Where to go for help and advice

If you need advice on claiming help with your rent you can contact us in the following ways:

Housing Benefit

Find out if you are entitled to housing benefit, and apply online.

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a single monthly payment for people who are looking for work or on a low income.

Discretionary Housing Payments

If you need extra help to cover your housing costs, you may be able to claim Discretionary Housing Payments

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